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Skool Community

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Adonis Gang

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3 contributions to Skool Community
Create a Better Learning Platform Than YouTube
As fantastic as YouTube is, it is becoming increasingly harder to learn and to gain specific pieces of knowledge on there because search results are controlled by an algorithm that shows you what it thinks it wants you to see. For example, you may search for a certain video and have other videos rank during the search that are not even related, and that may be because YouTube thinks you want to see them because you are subscribed to that channel or you like that type of content, but I am not entirely sure why that is. The bottom line is that your search results are biased, making it more difficult to find what you are looking for, and I think this will slowly become more of a problem. Another problem with YouTube is that when viewers consume content, it is rapidly forgotten. Sam Ovens talks about audiobooks and how they are terrible for retaining information, and I have experienced that for myself. I think Skool has the potential to be a learning platform that is better than YouTube if strategies for optimum retention or memory can be used for teaching new information. This could be the place everyone wants to go to learn because they remember what they learn when they go here, and that would make Skool provide more value than YouTube!
New comment Aug '23
0 likes • Feb '22
@Dorian Vida I enjoy Alex Hormozi too (Mozination)! Reading a book and taking notes should be enough I think, but that might not be the best way to gain and retain information. I think audiobooks are fantastic if you are driving or doing a mindless activity because you are learning instead of listening to music or nothing. I don't believe an audiobook is necessarily for speed reading, but it very well may help. I've never tried it. If you write something down (taking notes) that should be enough to remember what you read, but it's possible you'll retain it longer with your method. I think I would rather invest more money than purchase more audiobooks. I think my method of retaining information is adequate. I remember many of the notes I have taken from books. You may be right about that being a better way to retain knowledge though. I would love to see the video where Alex recommended that. Do you remember what it's called?
1 like • Feb '22
That sounds like pretty cools suggestion! I feel like taking notes is sufficient for retaining information, and now that I think about it, audiobooks can't use certain visuals like images or diagrams, so some information can't be included (or at least it can't be seen if you're on the move like driving or working out), but regardless of what people choose, I think taking notes is the crucial step for knowledge retention and should be enough. I would love to know if there are any other methods that have proven to show better retention though. I think that would be something interesting to look into.
Competition Is Great for Learning
I think it would be cool to see leaderboards for learning or developing skills that way people will want to learn faster so they can beat others. This is used in video games, but it works well in learning too. The coding app Memu does an excellent job of doing this.
New comment Feb '22
Welcome to Skool Community! (Start here...)
This is a group on Skool, about Skool, by people who use Skool. Here's 4 ways to get started: 1. Check out our "Skool 101" course to learn about the product and common use-cases. 2. Use Skool and share your feedback by posting/commenting in the community. 3. Attend our monthly "Skool office hours" livestreams for product updates and Q&A. 4. Want to create your own group on Skool? Click here to do that. Watch the video below for a quick overview of the product. Enjoy 🎉
New comment Aug '22
9 likes • Feb '22
Sam, I want to thank you for all the content you have shared on YouTube. Your videos are invaluable. Someday I hope I can give back like you have. I am deeply appreciative!
1-3 of 3
James Horan
41points to level up
I like learning and going to the next level. I give life my all, and I am teaching myself to code.

Active 117d ago
Joined Feb 1, 2022
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