DR Best Clients.. I'd love to hear how some of you 'qualify' a Client or even a Niche for DR. Some of my criteria would be but not limited to: >Average sale price per customer $1,000+ >Profit margin 50% >Minimum 'profit' per sale $500. What are some of yours that make up a good client or niche?
@Vince Cianci And we're not trying to add on a whole bunch of other services (like list building, qualifying, etc). Building your business becomes a lot easier when you only do one thing.
Whatever platform you get your leads from, make sure to clean that list with tools like: - MillionVerifier.com (emails) - Phonevalidator.com (voice & text) Using these will save you from being spam blocked or having your A2P fail. ⚠️If you wanna get crazy, you can even use workflows to automatically validate phone numbers before sending a missed call text back. To learn how, watch HighLevel Freaks youtube video “bulletproof your texting strategy”.
@Azzam Alq You don't need these right away, but they can help speed things up. If you're only: - Making calls: Just use your existing phone setup. - Sending emails: Get the emails validated before you send to them. - Sending SMS/texts: Get the numbers validated before you send to them. After you have a few sales, then use these tools to scale your sales operations.
@Tiaan Botha That’s a great question. Check out the examples below. #1 is bad, 2&3 are good, and 4 is great. Sadly, there is no hard-and-fast rule. You have to decide for yourself if you think you can add enough value and charge enough for your time. Pricing guide: 1- who is your ideal client 2- what is there budget 3- how much value can you give them Value calculator to “dollarize” your offer. Value = Contacts in client’s DB * Avg. revenue per transaction * Expected conversion rate (on low end 1-3%) E.g. 1 (bad fit; few contacts/low revenue) Contacts: 20 Rev/transaction: $20 Conversion Rt: 2% Return/Campaign: $20.00 E.g. 2 (good fit; high contacts/low revenue) Contacts: 15,000 Rev/transaction: $20 Conversion Rt: 2% Return/Campaign: $6,000.00 E.g. 3 (good fit; low contacts/high revenue) Contacts: 20 Rev/transaction: $15,000 Conversion Rt: 2% Return/Campaign: $6,000.00 E.g. 4 (GREAT fit; high contacts/high revenue) Contacts: 15,000 Rev/transaction: $15,000 Conversion Rt: 2% Return/Campaign: $4,500,000.00
Hello, I’m currently looking for the best Ai Chatbot company to go with to integrate with my agency right GHL for.: Appointment Booking / Setter Lead Qualification Help / Customer Service I come across 4 Companies, have you guys USED any of them? Which one is the best to go with? 1. Zappychat.com 2. Closebot.ai 3. Stammer.ai 4. OminiConvo.ai
My thoughts: 1. Rojo A.I. (used by Frank Lern & Jasper Aiken) 2. Consolidata (great price, includes voice, tons of features, but external dashboard) 3. Assistable (extremely capable voice & text, pricey, quite a steep learning curve, stellar comminity & growth velocity) 4. Closebot (heard good things) 5. Zappychat (workflow based, support does not help build custom solutions)
@Ovince TheCEO I agree with @Jason Jackson - there’s so many minute differences that, in some cases, that they may not even be worth mentioning — unless it’s exactly what you’re needing. ### I made this comment elsewhere, but I copied it here for your convenience. ### # ChatBot Selection Logical Flow - Want Done-For-You, so you don’t have to figure it out? Expect to pay big time. - Have a technical partner? Ask what they’re comfortable with. - Technical requirements? This’ll narrow down your options quickly. - Budget constraints? You get the gist… Winners: (from a small sample of bots) - Simple setup: 🏆 5-way tie (e.g., roho, closebot, etc - depends on skillset & complexity) - Voice & text in 1 bot: 🏆Assistable - Price, Voice & text, Extra features: 🏆Consolidata - You LOVE Workflows/Custom Values & have HLProTools: 🏆 ZappyChat (they support troubleshooting, not bot development) - Stability:🏆 Roho, ZC - Price per message: 🏆 Assistable (upcoming) - Simplicity: 🏆 Conversational AI (GHL) Last place: (currently) - Stablility: 🙈 Assistable (so many updates, it’s hard to keep up. But you get bleeding edge tech.) - History: 🙈 Closebot (iirc, when GHL moved to api v2, this bot couldn’t book appts for a month — but a few others experienced this too) - Mo Price: 🙈 Any bot that can’t be cloned, requires maintenance relationship, or breaks in front of customers - afraid I can’t really speak to this other than builds that were too ambitious. - Price per Message: 🙈 Conversational AI (GHL) - Leadership access: 🙈 Almost all of them