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ChatGPT Users

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6 contributions to ChatGPT Users
The Daily Prompt
I will share here the best prompts I have crafted and the best prompts I have found online. It would be great if you shared you best finds too. :) One of the best and simplest one I found extremely useful and I suggest everyone use regularly is the one below, there is nothing simpler than ask the platform itself, so just swap out ChatGPT 4 for another Model. The Prompt "Give me top ten tips, tricks and key takeaways on prompt engineering to get the best out of chatGPT 4" The Response - Be Specific and Clear: Clearly state what you want from the model. The more specific your prompt, the more accurate and relevant the response will be. If you're looking for information on a niche topic, provide context or details to guide the model. - Use Keywords Strategically: Incorporate keywords relevant to your query within the prompt. This helps the model understand the context and the specific domain you're inquiring about, leading to more targeted responses. - Sequential Prompting: If you're exploring a complex topic or need information in a structured format, break down your prompts into smaller, sequential questions. This approach can guide the AI in a step-by-step manner, yielding more comprehensive and organized responses. - Leverage Examples: When possible, provide examples of the kind of information or response format you're seeking. For instance, if you need a poem, mention a style or poet for inspiration. If you want a list, specify how detailed it should be. - Utilize the "Imagine" Technique: Start your prompt with phrases like "Imagine you are a historian specializing in..." This technique can help in generating responses that require a specific perspective or expertise. - Feedback Loop: Use the feedback from previous interactions to refine your prompts. If a response wasn't quite what you expected, adjust your prompt based on what you learned and try again. This iterative process can help in honing in on the most effective way to communicate with the model. - Prompt Chains: Build upon previous responses by using them as the basis for follow-up questions. This can create a conversation flow, making it easier to delve deeper into a topic or clarify specific points. - Specify the Desired Length and Detail: If you have a preference for the length or level of detail in the response, mention it in your prompt. For example, ask for a "brief overview" or a "detailed explanation." - Avoid Ambiguity: Ambiguity in prompts can lead to vague or off-target responses. Ensure your language is precise and your requests are unambiguous to get the most accurate and relevant information. - Explore Creative Prompting Strategies: Don't be afraid to experiment with different styles of prompting, such as posing hypothetical scenarios, asking for explanations in simple terms, or requesting information as if teaching it to a child. These varied approaches can yield unique and insightful responses.
New comment Jun 7
1 like • Apr 1
@Art Malik I'd love to see a prompt that helps me find potential customers online. I work in the spiritual field and Facebook/Instagram took away a lot of the demographic markers for spirituality. I can't even target for people who like certain spiritual books anymore. I'm not very good at doing demographic research and I'd love som AI help
1 like • Apr 6
@Art Malik I like this idea. Thank you.
Transferring text
Is there an easy way to move the text generated by ChatGPT into a document. I copy and paste and then have to reformat because the background is dark, etc...I know this is not really a huge deal, I'm just wondering if there is an easier way that people are moving the copy created into a useable format.
New comment Nov '23
1 like • Nov '23
@Cheryl Tibbs I am going to try this. I use Google docs almost exclusively...but I'm going to play around and see what it can do. I had no idea this was even possible.
0 likes • Nov '23
@Nasser Jones Interesting idea. Thank you.
Prompt spreadsheet?
Do you keep a list of prompts you return to again and again (modifying them for the present need)? Do you store them in a spreadsheet or in ChatGPT? What's your method?
New comment Nov '23
0 likes • Nov '23
@Ashley Smith you know….thats an AMAZING idea.
0 likes • Nov '23
@Julie Helmer Thanks for this
Adding "knowledge" to a GPT
I am confused about how to add "knowledge" to a GPT. Does it accept pdfs, epubs? Does anyone have any information on how to use this feature? I am trying to get it to learn a particular editing system (Story Grid by Shawn Coyne). There are a lot of free articles based on this system...but they are all blog posts, not PDFs. It's not a problem to create PDFs of the article, but it would be nice to train the GPT on specific blog posts. Has anyone done this?
New comment Jan 16
2 likes • Nov '23
@Tim Cakir 🤣🤣🤣 Good idea. Maybe I’ll make a video
2 likes • Nov '23
@Julie Helmer I agree. I’m a little intimidated by the API but feel like there’s so much value there.
ChatGPT iPhone keyboard?
I recently saw an add for an iPhone app that added ChatGPT to the keyboard (a quick search showed that there are actually a bunch of them, who knew?). Do you use one? Do you like it? How do you use it?
New comment Nov '23
0 likes • Nov '23
@Ashley Smith I was kind of wondering about this aspect of the app
1-6 of 6
Ian Maher
33points to level up
Spiritual director looking for tools to help people find deeper connection

Active 54d ago
Joined Nov 15, 2023
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