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Created by Gusten

Funnel Grandmaster™

Public • 3.4k • Free

Build an online business you actually love.

Funnels University

Private • 486 • Free

Funnel Agency Grandmasters & business owners mastering the art & science of funnels.


Skool Community

Public • 116.3k • Paid

Content Mastery

Private • 8.1k • Free

Private • 52.2k • Free

Agency World

Public • 6k • Free

AS Community

Private • 3.6k • Free

Golden Mic Method Coaching

Private • 53 • Free


Private • 6.1k • $22/m

Creator Accelerator

Private • 1.8k • Paid

Mastermind Affiliates

Private • 317 • Free

37 contributions to Funnel Grandmaster™
🔵 CSS Scripts/Code for GHL
Who's got amazing CSS scripts or code for GHL? Let's create a community based CSS library that helps everyone in here. The more we all share, the more value for everyone. Feel free to message me or drop the CSS code here and I'll add them all in one place so it's easy to use them when building your funnels.
New comment May 13
9 likes • May 8
Custom Gradient Headline CSS: H1 { background: -webkit-linear-gradient(to bottom right, #A6AAAF, #FFFFFF, #A6AAAF); background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, #A6AAAF, #FFFFFF, #A6AAAF); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; }
🔵 NEW: 10 Hour+ Free Online Business Course
Yes, it's 100% free. You'll see: - Which business is best to start in 2024 - How to get started without any money down - Niche, pricing, positioning and your portfolio - How to get your FIRST client - And how to turn your side hustle into full time Plus... You also get templates, scripts and resources for everything. This is everything I wish I had when I got started. No more holding back with free content. I'm doubling down on my paid programs too btw, so if you're in Funnels University or Inner Circle - stay tuned. Link to the free course here: Much love, G
New comment 13h ago
🔵 NEW: 10 Hour+ Free Online Business Course
11 likes • May 2
WE'RE BACK! This is the course I wanted to complete before going ALL IN again 👊🏼 Now it's go time!
Need a Landing Page Built
Hi Team, I’m looking to this community for help. We are a Forex education company and are about to release a new PDF guide ($195 USD). We need a funnel built promoting it. We also want someone with knowledge on Google Ads. We need someone with minimum 1-2 years experience with building funnels and Google Ads. If you have the experience please drop your portfolio below.
New comment May 5
1 like • Apr 30
Hey @Nicholas Calabrese I've let my Inner Circle members know, so some will probably reach out to help you
New Client Onboared
Onboard a new client for $ 2300 (Bronze) for a small funnel project. Full payment is done. Blessed. All thanks to you @Gusten Sun
New comment Jun 9
New Client Onboared
0 likes • Apr 10
This is amazing @Mousumii C Devi - congrats!
🛑 Never Give Up On Your Dreams
Hey FG family, I don't know who needs this right now. But I'm here to tell you that life can be beautiful. Maybe you're going through something right now, and it's hard to be "positive"... Maybe it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Specially for us entrepreneurs with goals and dreams inside. We see this vision of the life we want to live. Not just the money, but the CHANGE we can have in other ppls lives because of what we make. We're the dreamers, the doers, the risk takers. The crazy ones. And we're doing it for a great reason. To help us find freedom, and help others live free too. For some it's more about traveling the world, and that's fine too. For some, you just wanna take care of your loved ones. For some, you just wanna retire your parents. I'm here to encourage you today. To encourage you to never stop and never give up. No matter how "dark" it may feel. Maybe you're being super hard on yourself too... Doesn't help, right? When you only see the "lack" of where you want to be, it makes it hard to see the progress of where you came from. The fact you're here, means you're making progress. Some of you are living the life you used to pray for. It's ok to want more, and have bigger goals. But don't give up the joy of the present, for the future tomorrow. Most people will live their tomorrow regretting today. Even worse, tomorrow will be another today dreaming of the next day. Find peace in knowing your own the right path. Your "mess" will be the message on a stage one day. If you had no bruises, you wouldn't have a story to tell. I used to visualize me being on stage when I was at my darkest moments. I used to tell myself that one day this will be inspiration to someone else. That's why I have the authority to tell you this today. No matter where you're at. We're all equal. Just on different paths, at different times. Your turn is coming. Your role is growing. And you're being molded to become the person for it.
New comment Mar 31
🛑 Never Give Up On Your Dreams
19 likes • Mar 22
Ps... I'll be more active here on Skool moving forward. I was dealing with a minor "burnout" but I'm back on track now ❤️ Appreciate you all.
1-10 of 37
Gusten Sun
592points to level up
Original Funnel Grandmaster #001 | Founder of

Active 19h ago
Joined Sep 9, 2022
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