I'm back, with a New Attitude and Amazing Possibilities Ahead!
I had to duck out for a while mid-summer while I sold my house and generally transformed my life. I've been playing around with AI stuff and have come to a simple conclusion: it's going to compress the heck out of the time it takes to deliver pretty much anything that's not physical, and even then it will improve things. All I seem to hear these days is how many people it's going to put out of work. That's one side of things -- when you can improve productivity by up to 99%, the challenge becomes "how can I put these people to work to expand my business exponentially?" Sadly, most people will NOT think that way! Anybody who finds themselves displaced by AI needs to ask themselves, "What services or expertise can I offer that I can use AI to help me deliver 10x as much as my competitors in a given time-frame?" However, you do NOT HAVE TO TELL ANYBODY THAT! Most people have not caught on that it's possible to write a book or build a website or create a detailed marketing plan or Business Plan in less time than it takes most "professionals" to write an outline or a one-paragraph Executive Summary. Of course, some people will say, "Hey, I can build you a 50-page ecom website and I'll only charge you $10 instead of $1000" but they're being stupid because ... why not charge $899 instead? I have a service I'm going be selling shortly that takes this approach. I'm using a new tool that lets me do what's required incredibly fast. It might be 6 months before there are a dozen similar tools on the market that do the same thing, but by then I can realistically have generated $1M in sales, by myself, with very little overhead. My costs will be minimal. Which begs another question: if you can conceive of a new business, build it, and generate OVER 6-figures of income in LESS THAN 6 MONTHS, how much do you think you could sell it for? I believe 2025 is going to be the year people start to figure out that they can use AI to go from a brand new idea to 100x in productivity BY THEMSELVES while continuing to charge the same thing their competitors are charging for the same service that's NOT using AI.