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Created by Aleks


Private • 11 • $400/m

Health x Righteousness



Public • 491 • $5/m

Relationship Mastery

Private • 7 • $400/m

Relearning Relationships

Public • 148 • $5/m

19 contributions to Skool Community
New Feature: One-Time Course Purchases!
This may have unlocked the easiest way for beginners to start making money. You start with a free community. You use it as a lead magnet, making it easier to get your first few members. You build relationships with every member through community, DMs, and calls. You use the free community to become better at your skill. You're positioned as an authority, because you're the creator of the community. You speak to the people in the community, to figure out their problems/goals. Then when the time is right you monetize by charging people one-time. You can use it to unlock a course. Or you can sell a done-for-you service or 1 on 1 coaching which may be easier to sell if you're just getting started. This feature is now released. Check your classroom, it's there. Skool 🚀
New comment 3d ago
New Feature: One-Time Course Purchases!
2 likes • Jun 21
Nice! Now waiting for the ability to sell yearly subscriptions for the entire community 🔥
1 like • Jun 21
@Gazit Chaya - Z Nkosi they - them Thank you, and right now I'm just doing sales calls -> invoice -> group. Cheers for the idea 💡
SPOOF - Welcome to the Ultimate Guide to Doing Absolutely Nothing with Your Content Strategy
This is a sarcastic post on What NOT to do if your serious - Welcome to the Ultimate Guide to Doing Absolutely Nothing with Your Content Strategy Here’s the foolproof method I’ve come up with that works terribly. Buckle up, because we’re diving straight into the abyss of inefficiency. And remember, I have nothing to sell you because why bother when you can just float aimlessly? So, let’s talk about this so-called strategy that’s a mishmash of Andrew Kirby and Sam Ovens, but with a twist – it’s designed for maximum confusion and minimal results. 1. Traffic Jam Engine: Forget having a clear website or any formal structure. Just throw random content out there and hope for the best. 2. YouTube Neglect: Use YouTube as your neglected child. Post mediocre videos sporadically and pray for miracles. Think long term – like, maybe in 50 years, you’ll see some traction. 3. Email List Abyss: Build an email list and then promptly forget about it. If occasionally you remember it exists, change the file name and save it where you can never find it. 4. Redistribution Chaos: Embrace the chaos of Shorts, Instagram Reels, and TikTok. Gain followers who have no idea what your main content is about, leading to a beautiful mess. 5. Community Confusion: Let your YouTube channel and random TikTok videos feed into a community that’s as confused as you are. Then invite the whole community into incoherent sales calls. Remember your goal here is "Maximizing Confusion". 6. Broadcast to No One: Send out broadcast posts that sound like they were written by a malfunctioning chatbot. Perfect for driving away any remaining interest. 7. Human-Free DMs: Use robotic scripts in your DMs because nothing says “I care” like talking to a human like a spam bot. People love being treated like transaction numbers, right? 8. Lifeless Webinars: Host lifeless random webinars that are sure to put people to sleep. It’s a great way to ensure nobody buys anything. 9. Client Success Stories from an Alternate Universe: Share wildly exaggerated client success stories that make people wonder if they’ve entered an alternate universe.
New comment Jun 3
SPOOF - Welcome to the Ultimate Guide to Doing Absolutely Nothing with Your Content Strategy
1 like • Jun 3
Very true
Sam Ovens + Andrew Kirby -> Hybrid Approach
A strategy that you can use for your mastermind which I've been inspired from Sam Ovens & Andrew Kirby. Hope it helps.
New comment Jun 3
Sam Ovens + Andrew Kirby -> Hybrid Approach
1 like • Jun 3
@Harold Meadows 🙌
1 like • Jun 3
@Harold Meadows very solid post.
Who wants a SICK Black Friday deal?
We're thinking of doing a sick Black Friday deal. The craziest Black Friday deal we've ever done. Interested? Give me a sick GIF in the comments below if you want a sick deal.
New comment Nov '23
Who wants a SICK Black Friday deal?
2 likes • Nov '22
0 likes • Nov '23
Mini-challenge — Create a cool About page and win $1,000
Here's something fun we can do this week... 1. Create a cool About page for your community 2. Share a link to it in the comments below 3. The About page link with the most likes will win $1,000 cash 4. The About page link the Skool team likes the most will win $1,000 cash 5. A random About page link will win $1,000 cash This mini-challenge starts NOW. The winners will be decided on Friday, Sep 22 @ 4pm Pacific. Reminder: The Membership Challenge ($100k+ in prizes) starts in 7-days on September 25th. This is a fun way to prepare for the main event. 🎉🎉🎉
New comment May 2
Mini-challenge — Create a cool About page and win $1,000
4 likes • Sep '23
@Michael Pluszek thank you, let me know if you need any assistance or check out the public community (use the search bar to find topics you’re looking for 🤝)
4 likes • Sep '23
@Tom Downs Thank you 🤝
1-10 of 19
Aleks Fidurski
343points to level up
Helping men reclaim their health righteously. Join the skool brotherhood community:

Active 6h ago
Joined Jun 24, 2022
Dublin, Ireland
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