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[$100K/Video] Easy video ideas to make easy $ for your business
Hey there! Today we are talking about all things video. In the past, it was very hard to add video to your business. But I have good news…its now EASY! Let me tell you why… Your iPhone has some new amazing in camera stabilization built into the hardware. This means that you can literally walk around a property and take “sub-par” video… and it will still look decent! So hardware is NO LONGER a constraint to adding video into your service offerings. But what about the editing time or pricing or offerings… what should you do? I will get to all of that… FIRST lets talk about about offers… What types of video are working now and how can you make an extra $100K a year? 1) Property videos When you make a property video be thinking about transitions, areas too high light, fast and slow movement and music to keep the viewer engaged. 2) Walkthrough videos Vertical video is now in! You can walk around a property and capture with you phone in a vertical format and you will have the raw fils to make a walkthrough video pop. 3) Reels on social media Real estate agents love reels (Facebook, instagram, TikTok and YouTube shorts), you can add this as an extra upsell and it taps into the ‘personal brand’ desire of your clients. And let's face it, they all love boosting their “personal brand” on social media. Production in less than 24 hours…. The key to selling video is speed. Because if you can’t go fast and turn around video fast, your clients do not want to wait… They want to go LIVE with their listing as quickly as possible. This is why you need to outsource all your editing. And I have a solution for you… CloudPano is now offering Real Estate Video Editing and Uploading Services to help you scale! This is so key to your business and its very affordable. Our goal here is 2 fold. 1. CloudPano wants to increase your operational efficiency so you can sell more services fast and make more money per listing. 2. We want you to take advantage of our automatic integrations with, Zillow, hotbeds and trulia. This helps boost yours listings and helps you sell more services.
New comment Jun 21
[$100K/Video] Easy video ideas to make easy $ for your business
The 360º Profit Skool Community - Here is what you need to know!
Hey there! I'm very excited to announce we have released a brand-new community! It's called 360º Profit! And you are invited. To join, click here: Our mission and vision are clear: We want to serve you more, connect our community, and help everyone achieve their business goals. Inside the "360º Profit Skool" you will see three things… 1. Community - Here our entire team is collaborating and helping. You can ask questions help others, make feature requests and learn the latest insider updates! 2. Classroom - Here you can reference tutorials, learn quickly, and upgrade your experience to go even faster. 3. Calendar - Join our weekly calls! See upcoming events, ask questions, and join our VIP live calls Level Up The community is designed to encourage participation. As you like, comment and contribute to the community you will receive points on your account. For example, if you like 5 posts, you will level up to level 2. This unlocks 3 course sections for you! As you contribute quality content, your level will go up! It's easy and it's fun. Plus our team is inside the 360º Profit Skool platform. Tag us, @ us, and ask us anything. We are here to serve you! Keep an eye on your inbox for more details and next steps. I already have new videos and private stuff I am adding inside 360º Profit. See you there! Zach Calhoon Co-founder - CloudPano and and 360º Profit Skool Get started here:
New comment Jun 19
The 360º Profit Skool Community - Here is what you need to know!
Introduce Yourself! (Start Here 🔥)
Hi! Welcome to the 360º Profit! This community helps entrepreneurs in digital media and marketing get the tools and resources needed to generate sales and make an impact on the world. Step 1: Introduce yourself below in the comments! (✄ copy/paste template 👇) Where are you from? Where are you looking to grow your business? What immediate help do you need? Step 2: Discover How to Unlock all the Classroom Resources • Level up by posting insights and thoughtful comments. • Help others level up by liking 👍 good posts and comments. • Be kind • If you need help, just ask the community 💪
162 members have voted
New comment 4d ago
New Ai Chatbot Sells Photography Projects and Books Projects For You
Hey there! Today we are launching a new FREE 14 day program where you can create, train, install and launch an Ai chatbot onto your website. This new Ai we are training will be able to chat with leads on your website, ask questions, answer questions, quote pricing, schedule photography projects and book important demos on your calendar 100% automatically! When you install this Ai bot onto your website, you will literally replace the need for an admin to answer questions in your chat. Your Ai chatbot will quickly and clearly answer questions and sell your services for you right on your website. Its incredible tech and now its unlocked for you and your business. The 14 Day Beta Program We are launching this program for FREE for anyone who wants to join. The reason its free is because of the way Ai models work. We have to train them with the proper prompts and input custom Q and As so that we refine the modal to meet our needs. So for example if you are a Real Estate Photographer that prices based on SF, the Ai can learn this and answer questions about pricing and bundles 100% automatically. Its incredible! If you are needing more leads, but less chaos in your business.... This... is... the... answer. Watch the short video here. Click here: We are building this modal specifically for real estate photographers and virtual tour professionals. Lets unlock a powerful Ai that sells 24/7 365 without any need for a human to interact. Join the revolution here: Today Zach Calhoon Co Founder
First Automotive Reseller In The UK
Hi everyone I have just subscribed to the Enterprise/Automotive reseller program. I am very exited about this software and programme and am hoping to grow a VR business here in the UK. I am new to sales and marketing, but because I found the software both intuitive and cost effective have bought into the system. I am looking to contribute as much as possible here in the forum and gain level two in order to unlock some of the spin tutorials. I have spent the past couple of days getting to grips with the Automotive App. So far I am prefering to use my DSLR even if there are more steps and is longer in processing, perhaps because I have a wide angle lens which I don't have on my Samsung A50 phone. Do we have any other spin members here? What have your findings been when using the Spin software? Have you used DSLR for doing your spins? What is your preferred method? I have found when conducting spins on small vehicles my Samsung A50 with a DJI gimbal has sufficed, spinning a larger vehicle (vans) requires more space due to the narrow angle of the lens. I am using white labelling. Check out my first spins below, they are only initial examples and are works in progress. I am hoping to learn as much as possible and hone my skills and knowledge of the platform before starting to pitch for business. This is my first ever spin. I recorded two separate spins on a phone, one with doors open and another with doors closed and stitched them together with Adobe Premiere Pro taking care to do a 360 before opening the doors and filming again. Text was added using Premiere Pro Here is my second spin, this time of a commercial vehicle. I had to do it a few times, I have also recorded on DSLR which I have yet to upload. I will upload to a separate spin. All said and done I am super exited to be part of this industry
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New comment 18h ago
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