Need Help Importing STLs
I have a quick question and need some help. I want to start learning plasticity. I have been using Shapr3d but the cost is prohibited. I do a lot of 3d Printing and I need to sometimes modify STL files to suit my needs. How do I import existing STL files into plasticity. The ones I imported say empty and I cannot do anything to them other than resize them. Is there a way to do this. Like maybe import into another program and export to Plasticity? Im really hoping this can be done. I love Nikita tutorials and I want to really dive deep into this program with his tutorials but if I can't import the files and be able to modify them, I might have to stick with current program. I currently have the Indie version. Do I need to upgrade to the studio version?
Joe Prestia
Need Help Importing STLs
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