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TexAu V2 Videos [ Updated Daily ]
Hi everyone, This post contains all the videos we are releasing and is continuously updated every day. --- Automations: 1. Understand different output modes in Automations: 2. View and download results from TexAu Automations: 3. How to Change Automation Limits & Create Variables in TexAu: Platform: 1. 40 Minutes complete TexAu Walkthrough: 2. Troubleshoot Automations & Workflows: 3. Understanding Runtime & Limits: Scheduling: 1. Different Scheduling Options: CSV & Google Sheets 1. How to use CSV files with TexAu Automations: 2. How to use CSV with TexAu Workflows: 3. How to use Google Sheets in TexAu Automations: 4. How to use Google Sheets in TexAu Workflows: Accounts: 1. Setting up your account on TexAu V2: 2. How to add Social Accounts on TexAu: 3. How to change your password: 4. How to Purchase and Set Up a TexAu Proxy: 5. How to Sync Your Account Cookies in TexAu: 6. TexAu Plans and Benefits: 7. How to upgrade your plan on TexAu: 8. How to create and Manage users in TexAu: 9. How to purchase TexAu Add-ons [ Proxy, Credits, Public Scrapers ]:
New comment Sep '24
TexAu V2 Videos [ Updated Daily ]
TexAu V2: Comprehensive 40-Minute Walkthrough
Hi everyone, Jenny from our Product team has recorded a 40-minute video to help you understand the basics of TexAu V2. In this video, she covers setting up your account, navigating the pages, and running your first automation on the all-new TexAu V2! Make sure to watch the entire video. Stay tuned for our new video library, coming soon!
New comment Aug '24
TexAu V2: Comprehensive 40-Minute Walkthrough
HELP! How to get
Hey hey. Chat support seems to be *very* challenged, likely due to "English as a Second Language", in understanding the problem/question & providing simple clear answers. I've tried to "do it myself" searched and emailed: without a response. Here's the thing, it's not even a difficult question. Great tools need decent support. How do we get this?
Email Headers in LinkedIN scrapes
Anyone know what the definitions are for these headers? I can't figure it out (Texau Email, Texau Work Email, Texau Personal Email, Email)
Email Headers in LinkedIN scrapes
Hello? Anybody there?
I'm curious if anyone is still using Texau reliably. It seems like there's less activity here. I'm just wondering if people are still using it or have given up. I was a huge fan of V1, mainly because it didn't have updates! It's funny when you think about it. People complained about issues and the lack of new features, but it worked! Now, with V2, things break all the time. They fix one thing, and something else breaks. I'm starting to think that whoever is responsible for deploying code to production doesn't understand how B2B software releases work. Let me explain: when you have a product that companies (like us) use as a process, it takes time to train the team, create automation, and align it with other business processes. Then, when your junior developer releases an update that breaks our process, it's a huge pain. For example, they recently changed the Google Search Maps "Extractor," which was working fine, to a new version called Google Search Maps "Export." Which, by the way, it's still not working properly. Now I'm left with both versions not working and will probably have to edit hundreds of automations manually, one by one, because of this name change. Another time, there were similar unnecessary changes, like when they changed the header names of columns in the results. For example, "numberOfReviews" became "Reviews Count," not realizing that such changes break our integrations with other processes. These are just a few examples, but I could easily give 10 more. Guys, I understand you're just starting and trying to launch a real business. But if you want to build solid software for businesses, you need to understand and respect how your users use your product and how it impacts their needs. Please have a better QA review before releasing code. Recently, it got really bad. One last, very basic thing your team should know: I understand you value your weekends, Diwali, or whatever, but don't release new versions just before you leave the office! It's the other way around! You need to be around right after the new code is in production so you can address any issues if something breaks.
New comment 6d ago
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