Hi, I'm Leon from Berlin, Germany
Hello to everyone! 馃憢
I stumbled upon this group by accident when researching how high my agency website (https://www.bmg.studio/) ranks for Webflow, Wized & Xano development keywords.
So yeah. Pretty funny coincidence to come across this group.
I originally come from a eCom & marketing background, but then switched to website development with a focus on JavaScript and Webflow. A few years later this evolved into low-code web app development with a (tool) focus on Webflow, Wized and Xano (or Supabase)... The work is really fun and I'm happy to pass on what I learn along the way.
If anyone wants to talk to me, feel free to reach out on LinkedIn, X or here on Skool.
Leon Barth
Hi, I'm Leon from Berlin, Germany
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