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This is how Claire got her first Skool members
Claire explains how she created her course, prepared Skool and got her first members into it by simply messaging a few people in her existing network. Messaging people in your existing network and asking them if "they would want to know more about your membership" is just on of a few techniques to get your first few members signed up. These are the other promotional techniques: - Already mentioned: Ask anyone in your existing network privately if they would want to know more about your membership that you just created, if they say yes, give them the link to your Skool About Page - Posting content on social media to build an E-mail list by giving away a lead magnet ... Simply post any type of content that sounds like: "Hey, I created this valuable VIDEO, who would want it? Comment VIDEO, I will send it to you" ... Then you send the Lead Magnet Video to people privately (it should sit on an E-mail Opt-in Page, people opt-in to get that Lead magnet), this builds your E-mail list, and on the Thank you page people can join your Waitlist - You can post content on social media and say: "Hey, I am about to open a membership community, comment WAITLIST to be one of the first ones to get more info when it's all ready" - People comment and we dm them the Waitlist Opt-in page (builds an E-mail waitlist) - You can send E-mails out to your existing E-mail list and ask: "Would you want to know more about the membership community that I am opening? Click the link, you will get on a waitlist" - You can send E-mails out and say: "Hey, I have this special Founding Members offer for you to join my membership as one of the first founding members, Click the link and Join!" - In these same E-mails you can say at the end of the E-mails: "If you have any questions about the membership before you join, simply reply to my E-mail and I will answer and help you out" - This gets people to reply, creates a chat conversation, and you close them via just E-mail chat, or you go on a call with them and maybe close them as a high ticket client as well
New comment 26d ago
How Miish grew her membership to the first 50
I spoke with @Miish Quiroz and we discussed how she built her membership to 50 people now - Link to her Skool Membership She moved her existing social media following into a paid membership so they can access her courses, her community and coaching Enjoy the interview
How I grew my first membership
Last year I grew my membership to $1k+/m in 3 months from scratch, I recorded a video on how I did it ... Link below! I charged around 15 members from $49-$97 a month, they paid for a course + a weekly group coaching call. I have run this membership group since, and it's still active We still meet weekly and we work on building our own memberships If you would be interested in being part of our group as well, comment below INTERESTED or message me, so I can explain to you how it all works In our support group, we all created our membership offers, we also learned how Attraction and Enrolment of new members works, and we kept holding each other accountable on weekly basis, so we keep working on expanding our membership communities
How Infiniti signed up her first 7 members
Infiniti shares how she started her membership community and signed up her first 7 members who pay a monthly fee for her course and weekly group coaching calls. This is her membership site:
New comment Jan 30
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Launch a membership program and earn recurring income. This is a Free Support Group + Free Coaching from Primoz Lazar
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