Primoz Lazar
Looking to work with you privately on results basis! Message me
Looking to work with you privately on results basis! Message me
I am looking to work with you on results basis as my beta test client and help you launch a membership program on Skool, and get you the first 20-30 members subscribed.
I will be your guide and technical assistant
If you are interested, message me after reading this post, I only can do this with a person or two
For us to do this private 1-1 launch you will need to only cover Skool and E-mail marketing software expenses
I developed this 3 step membership launch plan and I want to implement it for you:
1) Create your membership on Skool
2) How to build a WAITLIST of people who are interested in joining your membership - Out of your social media followers, existing email list and network contacts (Waitlist is built using a CRM E-mail marketing software)
3) How to launch the FOUNDING MEMBERS GROUP (give them a special offer so they rush into it) and get the first 20-30 people enrolled into your membership
4) BONUS: Have CRM + E-mail marketing Automations in place for ongoing E-mail list building, and selling new members into your program automatically, passively!
I am looking for a person or two to work with privately on results basis to help you LAUNCH YOUR MEMBERSHIP through my model - so we can have you become a successful case study, I can improve my model and I can then help even more people!
I want to work with you as your guide and your technical assistant!
I will help you with setting up an E-mail list marketing software so we can build a Waitlist of interested people, I will help you manage it, set up automations, …
I will provide us with Content templates to build the E-mail list out of your social media audience, I have templates to Send promotional E-mails out to the Waitlist and get people join your Membership as the first founding members!
I am looking for you, if you want to go with me through a few weeks membership launch experience, so we can create a great case study, and I can then help even more people with this!
It’d be good that you already have some “coaching experience”, you already have some social media audience, potentially you already have a list of E-mail contacts, so it’s easier for us to launch it all!
But let us discuss your plan privately, so we can see what’s the plan we are going to follow, we need to get on the same page with it all!
Message me right now and we can discuss the plan
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Launch a membership program and earn recurring income. This is a Free Support Group + Free Coaching from Primoz Lazar
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