Wes Benson
RAW Bing Maps PCF Component
RAW Bing Maps PCF Component
Richard A. Wilson is a consultant for Microsoft, and has created some really cool custom components in the past few years.
The one I am interested in is his Bing Maps component. It solves an issue I was having in getting April Dunnam's (kind of sort of) similar tutorial to function properly.
He has a loose outline of how to implement the component correctly, and a video tutorial that approaches ludicrous speeds on GitHub. I've watched the video a couple hundred times (literally, I cannot overstate the speed of this thing).
However, I am still having issues. This is rather deflating, as the component is geared for exactly what I need.
In theory, this component plots pushpins on Bing Maps according to latitude/longitude, clusters then into groups based on first location or mean average, displays a brief details dialog on hover of a pushpin, and supplies a link to open the record.
His video involves switching to classic view to edit the unmanaged solution by creating a new view, editing a handful of fields, and publishing the changes. When I try to do the same, the fields I have a choice of editing are not the same as what's displayed in the video.
With some tweaking in Power Apps by adding in my data source and changing the latitude/longitude to those in said data source, it works very well until I try to open the link for the record. All I get is JavaScript:void(0) in return. Opening the link in a separate tab results in about:blank#blocked.
[Note: Just before I left work for the weekend yesterday, I noticed that I could actually edit everything in the solution without switching to classic view, which may make it easier to get the results I need.]
I just cannot push through this last issue of opening the record associated with the pushpin.
When the component is added to the canvas, it has cards for every single column in my data source. What's curious to me is that the Properties are completely blank, and the Advanced tab has relatively few options to edit.
I hope I've explained this issue well, but I'll summarize just to get to the point: I am trying to display a record associated with a pushpin on Bing Maps but I cannot get the Open Record link to work properly.
I am disappointed that I cannot work this out on my own! All the parts are there, I just keep trying to cram a square peg into a round hole. If anyone has experience with this particular component, or getting similar results with a Bing Maps canvas app, I would love to hear your thoughts.
RAW (Richard "Rick" A. Wilson) Bing Maps Component: https://www.richardawilson.com/2020/01/bing-maps-pcf-control.html?m=1
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