Here's the PROBLEM with Westerners Coming to Thailand
Just saw a Western couple walking their Dalmatian up a Thai street, and it got me thinking...
Why do so many expats move to Thailand only to live in a bubble?
They rent big houses, buy cars, and even import their cats and dogs.
Once they're here, they don't bother to learn the language and exist in this sort bubble, completely detached from Thai society.
They're literally here just for the low cost of living...
...and I'm surprised the Thais put up with it.
These people think and act as if they're still in the United States.
They bring their rude behaviour and expect the Thais to adapt to their cultural norms.
They're so clueless that they don't even process that this is an entirely different culture and that they are looked upon like complete fucking weirdos.
Then they have the nerve to complain about how they feel outcast and want to know why the Thai people won't grant them easy access to citizenship, etc.
Truth be told, they have zero fucking interest in becoming Thai; all they're thinking is 'save money, save money, save money.
Ponce, ponce, ponce.
It's quite sickening really.
These two cultures are vastly different in almost every single way and this isn't just annoying...
It's a problem.
It affects everyone who has made an effort to integrate, those who have married into Thai society, had families, etc.
Because every foreigner gets lumped in with these leeches.
Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Brett Dev
Here's the PROBLEM with Westerners Coming to Thailand
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