Kevin Kim
The Power of Performance-Based Bonuses for Intakers
The Power of Performance-Based Bonuses for Intakers
When it comes to retaining and motivating your Intakers, bonuses based on performance are key. This strategy becomes even more crucial if you are considering bringing the Intaker in-house.
Consider implementing bonuses based on specific, quantifiable metrics.
For example: Reward your Intakers for every ten cases they help retain with a $1,000 bonus, and/or offer a $500 bonus for every $10,000 worth of cases they bring in.
It's important to note that this is not about sharing attorney fees; rather, it's a direct incentive for performance. Imagine the motivation an Intaker would have knowing they are just one case away from a significant bonus. Intake is essentially sales, so it should be treated as such.
By implementing performance-based bonuses, you can drive your Intakers to excel and contribute to the growth and success of your firm.
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