Kevin Kim
The Importance of Monthly Call Reviews
The Importance of Monthly Call Reviews
Successful athletes across all sports regularly review game footage to identify mistakes and capitalize on strengths. Similarly, conducting call reviews with Intakers can provide invaluable insights into overlooked issues and effective strategies.
During conversations, individuals often prioritize certain aspects while overlooking others, leading to potential misunderstandings.
Another crucial aspect to address is: Who should be involved in this process. Typically, call reviews are best conducted by experienced team members or supervisors who possess a comprehensive understanding of the company's objectives and customer interaction standards. These individuals can provide valuable feedback and guidance to Intakers, helping them refine their communication skills and align their approach with organizational goals.
By involving knowledgeable reviewers, teams can ensure that call evaluations are thorough, constructive, and conducive to continuous improvement.
A third-party call review can offer fresh perspectives and uncover areas for improvement.
When was the last time you reviewed an Intaker's call?
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