Our Roads Are All Different!
Good morning, Y'all!
This is not a sales pitch but an honest offer to help you if needed!
I've been tossing and turning the last few nights because a thought keeps repeating in my mind! I'm writing to you as someone who's never had it all figured out and, many times, didn't even know where to start to try to figure it out. As a matter of fact, I've stumbled, fallen, and learned how to rise again and again - many, many times throughout this ride we call life. There's absolute beauty in recognizing that our greatest strengths often lie tucked away within the very essence of who we are, waiting to be discovered, nurtured, and appreciated.
As I am about to put a bow on my nearly 30 career in the United States Air Force, I've come to a crossroads, and at this fork in the road, it's pushing me to choose passion or comfort. Just like you, I want to chase my dreams and continue to grow what I believe to be my natural talent - helping people! It took me 30 years to recognize how much I enjoyed it, and it will take me even longer to perfect it!
Here's the thought that keeps repeating: "Why is it so hard for people to find their passion?"
I truly loved serving our Air Force and the people who made it happen! I've recently sat in so many forums where I've heard people say, "I want to do this" or "I want to do that, " but I rarely feel the passion in them that I've felt for the last 30 years.
That's also why I wanted to post this here first. Watch the Lives with Mike and see how many times someone says, "I don't know what to sell." - there's no passion or purpose, just a want for something - money, street cred, or something.
I do know, though, that passion and purpose are very POWERFUL things and should be our guiding lights on this ride through life. Of course, we can sell or try to sell anything! But when you add passion and purpose - that's next level.
Let's think about this for a second: life is a highway (there's a song about this, I know.) We are born with a unique vessel to travel on this highway, which is our natural talent. This natural talent is designed to help us navigate these highways. The key to a fulfilling ride through life will never be wishing for a different vessel but trying to master the one you've been given and are piloting right now. I've seen many people embrace their natural talents and succeed beyond belief!
I am more than willing to sit with you and talk about any of this, but I wanted to give you some simple reminders to think about:
There can always be joy in the journey! Joy is your compass!
What makes you happy? Grow into your passion!
Growth is the fuel to your passion!
When you can't get enough of something, you're headed in the right direction!
Confidence is your navigation system! When you're comfortable with your passion, there is no need to wonder, "How will I get there?" Confidence will always be your guide.
So how do you do it? Take time to explore the depths of your heart - think about your natural talents and passions. What activities make you lose track of time? I sat for 15 hours working on my funnel - I never imagined I would do that- I forgot to eat!!!!
Where does your mind wander in moments of daydream? These are clues to your true talent and passions.
Practice isn't just about repetition; it's about meaningful engagement with your talents. Dedicate time, yes, but do so with intention and joy.
Seek wisdom from those who've navigated similar waters. Their journeys can offer invaluable maps and guides for your own.
Share your journey, even the bumps in the road! Share your discoveries along the way and your creations with the world. Your story could help others still find their way. BTW, here's my sales pitch if you've read this much! I am putting together a product that helps people define their story and package it into a marketable product - just email mike@Make....oh wait, just kidding 😂
Understand that the road isn't always going to be smooth. Accept all the ebb and flow of life's challenges as part of your ride. Each road, whether it lifts you up high or pulls you down low, teaches you more about navigating your unique vessel.
It's pretty cliche, I know, but it is important to remember that the purpose of the ride is not to arrive at a destination but to embrace the journey itself. Your talents, fueled by passion, are the essence of your being, and they are the keys to unlocking your purpose, your joy, and your contribution to the world.
Keep Riding,
Jeff Vicars
Our Roads Are All Different!
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