Nov '23 (edited) in Feed
In the moment
Sitting here writing this from inside the emergency room of my dad's local hospital. He was found on the floor today with a change of mental status. So far, his body seems okay for a 92 year old while they try and sort out why he has had the change in cognition. Nonetheless, I decided to write on here because I continue to find how a committed mind can continue to experience the benefits of awareness. I enjoy observing these benefits. For example, while 4 hours away this morning and conversing with first responders only by phone, I could have been panicked, frustrated, anger, sorrow, etc. That said, instead, I felt a sense of trust and comfort, clear-headedness and compassion. I do work in the healthcare field, so one could easily attribute the response to this experience. However, I'm willing to say the Course was there with me. A choice to "see Peace instead" is always available. The willingness to stay in the now rather than project into worrying, is a choice that be made endlessly when we want to see a better way. As I continue to sit here, in the bustling hallways of a very crowded emergency room because there aren't enough rooms available, I could feel frustration and exasperated or simple acceptance and patience. Living the Course has taught me - there is always a choice between ego and Source. The rules of decision tell me to be willing to ask again when I at least see that I don't like the results of what I'm perceiving. I'm grateful for the opportunity to forgive and make the Choice for God.
Pamela Mills
In the moment
LTC Ashram
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