Coffee and small bio
My first post
Coffee a small information on me
I’m 56 years old and I’ve had looong history with food I have so many issues with food mentally
some people think I’m bonkers when I tell them what I eat and it doesn’t include fruit or veg , grains , etc .
I transferred from ketto to almost carnivore due to I was loosing to much weight no energy etc as of the last 3 years I manly only eat lots of Beef minimum 6 eggs lots of butter and salt Bacon supper markets own brand because it’s the only one with no addded sugar I Drink Coffee with butter only Bean to cup I’m lucky to have a machine at home because I can’t stand instant stuff just wondering if anybody else as issues with food and discovered carnivore and find it really easy to do I do like my Raw Honey and Raw Milk
Andrew Bott
Coffee and small bio
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