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Hello! Welcome to the LinkedIn Marketplace Community. As you know, LinkedIn Marketplace is the NEW KING in town when it comes to getting inbound leads for service-based businesses. This Skool aims to help each of you, a service-based business owner, get set up to get and increase the number of matched inbound leads on LinkedIn Services Marketplace from those who submit requests for proposals (RFPs) for your services. Start by checking out these links: - How to get started - How to get or get more matched inbound leads - How to stay safe and avoid LinkedIn jail - How to be first amongst the five vendors when responding to RFPs - How to work with Kent To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know: 1. Your name? 2. Your offer? 3. How can we best serve you?
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New comment Sep '23
Marc's BEEN on FIRE!
Last week, he closed 4. This week already have 7 calls lined up on Monday and Tuesday. He's shooting for 98% close rate! 馃憖馃敟
Did you know you can message people who visited your profile automatically?
Sometimes, YOUR prospects visit your profile, and you have no idea who they are. NOW you do! What you can do is add an inbound campaign to message those people who visit your profile automatically. Here's how you do it by following these screenshots. You can say something like. "Hi First Name, thanks for visiting my profile! Is there anything we can support you with?" If you need help setting it up, feel free to reach out. Happy Wednesday Day!
NEW guidelines to stay safe on LinkedIn
If you have team members accessing your LinkedIn account inside or outside US or your home country, please follow these steps to ensure your LinkedIn account is safe from getting restricted. Hope that helps. If you have any questions, drop them in the comments...
Why LinkedIn Marketplace is THE NEW KING in town for Career Coaches
Very simple. 1. LinkedIn is THE #1 Job Board, hence attracting millions of job seekers and service providers alike 2. LinkedIn has almost a billion professional users (900 million to be exact), and it's adding 3 every second! 3. LinkedIn is using its marketplace platform to cater to 3% of its users who are buying in any industry and at any given time. 4. Easy to grow its marketplace by tapping into its 900 Million user base via events and emails marketing
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Learn how to scale your service-based business through LinkedIn Marketplace! A free community to help each other grow on LinkedIn.
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