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Welcome to the Skill Membership! Start Here!!
Welcome to the Skill Member community! I've created an instructional video for all members to show you and remind you exactly how to approach this membership and our checklist training system. The video will walk you through how to approach the attached calendar. (If on mobile, please swipe for access to the Calendar Template) The Skill Membership is your chance to become part of the I'm Possible basketball training community like never before. We're dedicated to providing accelerated knowledge and resources, while also helping all members reach their basketball dreams, goals, and ambitions. This community means to provide members with services that directly address your needs whether you are a player, parent, trainer or coach. Enjoy!
New comment Dec '23
Welcome to the Skill Membership! Start Here!!
Download the RealSkill App
The RealSkill app is available on iOS and Android. Download IOS app Download Android app This is where you will access every single one of our checklist training systems. - RealSkill Essentials: New Skills, I'm Possible Essentials (Riplight Essentials, Ripstick Essentials, Rip Roller Essentials, RipCone Essentials), In-Season Essentials - DrillMat System - RealFootwork Checklist: 1 and 2 - All-Around RealSkill Checklist: 1 and 2 - RealShooter Checklist: Shooting Form Challenge, Shooting 1 and 2 - RealFinishing Checklist: 1 and 2 - RealHandles Checklist: Ball Handling Classics - RealMovement Checklist: RealMovement Essentials, RealMovement Classics - RealLive: 45 minute live workouts - I'm Possible Kids: For beginners - Certified Players: Access to entire checklist of demonstrations
New comment Feb '24
Unstoppable Shot Separation
Just letting you know we just added a brand new SKILL ID to the RealSkill app for shooting. "Unstoppable Shot Separation" This Skill ID will help players master space separation with Step Backs and Pull Backs.
No dip jumpshot
I’ve watched D’Angelo Russell shoot threes without the need to bring the ball down and up again which looks like a quicker way to get your shot off. How can we train this skill with the accountability needed to master this. Can this be in the app one day too?
New comment 6d ago
Pullup vs floater
Pullup player can shoot over defender, has space and or time? floater player can’t shoot over defender maybe can get in a bit deeper into lane? When do you teach players which to use or am I off totally?
New comment 14d ago
1-30 of 71
IPT Elite Skill Members
As a Skill Member or SkillPlus member, this group is here for you to ask questions and access resources to drive you toward your basketball goals.
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