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Q&A with Dr. Kolby is happening in 3 days
Community Commitment - You in?!
Commitments are powerful. Especially when it comes to breaking out of the old limiting paradigm that is keeping our society sick. Together in this community, we will hold each other to the highest values so that we can create health transformation for ourselves, our families, and our communities. (This commitment is based on the Seven Principles of Naturopathic Medicine. Click here to watch video and learn more.) Health Transformer's Commitment: - I will treat my body with kindness and respect by decreasing toxic stress in my life to give my body environment it needs to truly heal (ie First Do No Harm). - I will work with my body's intelligence, learn from Mother Nature, listen to God, and trust my intuition (ie The Healing Power of Nature). - I commit to Radical Honesty in working to uncover and address the root causes that are holding me back from optimal health, whatever they may be (ie Identify & Treat the Root Cause). - I will strive to understand the laws of nature, the healing process, and the messages my body is sending me so I can become my own self-healer (ie Doctor as Teacher). - I am willing to see how everything in my life is interconnected, that how I do one thing is how I do everything, so that I can address the dysfunctional patterns that are stifling my growth (ie Treat the Whole Person). - I commit to taking a proactive approach to my health by striving towards my highest health potential (ie Prevention). - I commit to taking Radical Responsibility for my health and my life, to not be a victim, to control what I can control and leave the rest up to God (ie Heal Thyself). ACTION STEP: 👇🏼 Copy and Paste the Following in the space below with your name in the blank space.👇🏼 I, ________________, agree to all the terms of this commitment to my own health transformation.
New comment 21h ago
Protein + Nutrient Density
I was always the kid who was 'hangry' to the point my Mom would bring extra snacks to avoid the potential meltdown. If someone would have communicated to me that my hangry, anxiety, and afternoon crash were all caused by my blood sugar instability I would have been so grateful! So here is your message! Post a picture of a high protein meal or better yet a nutrient dense high protein meal Liver and wild caught salmon are some of my favs :)
New comment Nov '24
Protein + Nutrient Density
Walk. Just DO it.
Lose weight. Walk more. Better digestion. Walk more. More focus. Walk more. Improved detox. Walk more. Peace of mind. Walk more. Fill in the blank for better health. Walk more. You don't need to spend thousands of dollars on a sauna / cold plunge membership or an expensive monthly gym membership -- you just need to walk more. This is me in Portugal where my average step count was over 20k 🙉. Post a pic on your daily walk!
Walk. Just DO it.
Pantry Detox
You can have (almost) anything you want as long as you follow the guidelines and make the right swaps -- amazing chocolate chips for GF/DF cookies right here -- post a picture of swaps you are making to detox that pantry!
Pantry Detox
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Haven's Health Transformers
Exit the Modern Medical Matrix and transform your life with the foundational pillars of health: nutrition, detoxification, lifestyle, and mindset.
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