Haven's Health Transformers
Public group
83 members
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This community is ONLY for those who want to take Radical Responsibility for their health by optimizing all aspects of their life. Only you can make your health and life better through your daily action.
🌞 Supercharge nutrition w/ ancestral superfoods
🌞 Modern & ancient detox routines for colon, liver, and parasite cleansing
🌞 Sleep hygiene for deep restoration
🌞 Breathwork practice for anxiety & performance
🌞 Tap into the energetic field of the planet through sunlight, grounding, water, breath
🌞 Make living structured mineral water at home
🌞 Connect deeper w/ the present moment & God
🌞 Bio-charged whole-foods supplement recs
🌞 Product recs for water, detox, light, EMF mitigation, clothing, cleaning, tech
You must answer all questions and put a real picture and real name of yourself in your profile. We want to protect this group from scammers and imposters and make this a sacred space.
Haven's Health Transformers
Exit the Modern Medical Matrix and transform your life with the foundational pillars of health: nutrition, detoxification, lifestyle, and mindset.
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