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Meta is paying us again
About 9 months ago we had a training about monetizing our Facebook pages where at the time I was making about $1,500 a month on posting reels. Then, they stopped paying on that but they are paying pretty well again on basic posts. In just 5 days I’ve averaged close to $10 a day. So, it should be close to $300 a month. So what? you say? Well, posting your brand and products regularly is what we are supposed to be doing anyway so why wouldn’t we get paid for it? Since when do we get paid for marketing? Super cool.
New comment 4h ago
4.ohh Beta Testers Needed
@everyone The training 4.ohhhh is coming out in a few weeks and we will need Beta testers! This is the most complete and organized (not to mention most affordable) step by step/6 phase real estate program on the market and we are looking for people to review it and provide honest reviews in exchange for a few free months. We are looking for about a dozen or so when it's ready (about a week or two). Criteria: • Will go through it. • Will leave an honest review. • If it's good will tell others about it. • If not good will tell us so we can make it better PS - We have an affiliate link to provide where anyone you refer with earn you bonuses, money, and most importantly, kudos
New comment 20h ago
Quick Wins
We often talk about the power of quick wins and my favorite is when my wife mails a personalized Thank you card. Why? It promotes our brand, justifies their decision, connects them to us as people, & it's cost effective. Here is an example. Oh, if you're getting value out of this group then others likely will too. Please consider sharing this group with colleagues. Talk soon - Me
The true reason IMO most Realtors Fail
👋🏻Why do most Realtors fail? Everyone seems to have an answer. 👇🏼Here is mine: 😕They OVERTHINK first then kinda “do”. 🙌🏼Just about every successful Realtor/business owner I’ve met has Curiosity Courage where they: DO first then analysis and adjust. Or as I often say they, adjust and pivot. 🙃What do you think?
READ FIRST - How to use this community
Hey! Welcome to your new work fam here on Skool. Ok, so you’re here, now what? 1. I post tips/tricks/what I’m currently working on often on the feed. Right now if you scroll down and click a few posts I guarantee that you’ll find many things to add to your business immediately. 2. On the toolbar at the top of this group you’ll see “CLASSROOM”. This is a free training. This isn’t your typical real estate training. This is a step by step, easy to follow action plan that is what every businesses owner should do before they even start. I pinky swear that you’ll get a lot out of this. 3. This group is “gamified” meaning that the more you post, comment, and interact the more points you score. At the end of each month the first three people at the top can gift a gift card or coaching call. So, what are you waiting for. Stop reading this and start doing it! Oh and introduce yourself but please no spamming stuff. No one likes that person. Don’t be that person 🙃🥰. Ok go get em! Always Friendly, Chris Cusimano
New comment 5d ago
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Revolutionizing real estate with unique marketing & sales training that's enjoyable and effective. Transforming how agents attract leads and succeed.
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