Chris Cusimano
Quick Wins always Win
Quick Wins always Win
During the last Q&A on Tuesday, a Premium Coaching by Cusi member asked me where he should spend his marketing dollars that he used to spend on cold lead services that weren’t converting.
I suggested he invest in his existing clients instead of platforms like Zillow. We brainstormed quick wins, inspired by our recent merch shop meeting.
I decided to create Homes by Cusi VIP T-shirts for my current signed listing and buyer clients. These shirts offer several benefits:
💰 They're an inexpensive quick win.
🏠 They reinforce our brand.
😃 They make clients feel special.
👕 They serve as advertising when worn.
If you're interested in creating your own VIP shirt, let me know, and I'll assist you in getting it on the shop. (Exclusive to Premium members)
Check out my VIP shirts below for reference. What do you think?
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