Oct '23 (edited) in Wins/Results!
$12k booked from less than 500 person list
Here’s another DBR we dod and I just got updated results today from client. They did follow up themselves but I’m seriously considering offering to do more follow up for free for them because they still have an additional 28 people that were interested and got a quote but never followed up.
I feel like I can help them hit $20k then I’ll be primed to sell higher ticket offer with us doing the follow up.
Objective: To generate revenue from list of customers that haven’t booked within the last 18 months
This company never done text blast in past
# of contacts sent: 468 non-active customers
# of responses: 218 (46% response)
# of jobs booked: 15 (6.9% booked)
👉Total revenue booked $12,305
✅ Twilio $78.39
✅ Setup Fee: $1497 (includes 4 total text blasts over next year) This is what I charged them to get “case study” results that I could share.
Adjusted Investment for 1st text blast: $452
ROI: 20x
Note: we will still run 3 more campaigns during 2024 as well for no additional setup fees.
Services offered:
- Window Cleaning
- Power Washing
- House Washing
- Roof Cleaning
- Hard Surface Cleaning
🛟Special Offer: 10% off 3 or more services
📆Start date: Oct 10th - End date: Still going
🕖 7 Day Multi-touch campaign (SMS only)
Send message on: Day 1, Day 3 & Day 7
*This was a slightly aggressive text campaign
🔑 Key Points / Take Aways:
✅ We doubled the response and results by sending more than one message
✅ Only send “Day 3” and “Day 7” message to those that haven’t replied
✅ No need for fancy, “professional” sounding texts. Speak like a normal person.
✅ Throttle your outgoing messages to 20-50 contacts per day Tuesday - Thursday for best response
✅ Replying quickly and sending pricing via text & email will increase results
✅ Organization & Tracking is a MUST to know who to follow up with
✅ adding an option “No Thanks” allow people to not get any follow ups about the campaign but help save people from completely opting out.
Hopefully this helps give some ideas to get you going and ready to take massive imperfect action.
Again this was my version I’ll be adjusting it as I go through Robb’s training. I really need to get to high ticket pricing.
Amber Jones
$12k booked from less than 500 person list
GoHighLevel w/ Robb Bailey
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