Nayshunda Burke
E & O Insurance/Liability Insurance
E & O Insurance/Liability Insurance
Is there a specific company that is the go to for insurance coverage for this sector of business (Hiscox, Mercer, etc...)? This is not a notarial act per se so I'm sure my Notary coverage is not helpful.
Also, are there instances where a person can come back and sue (didn't get the job because, adoption failed because...). I know that we can always resubmit the cards but what if the client blames the technician. I think I asked before but didn't get a clear response about standard verbiage used to protect us as fingerprint technicians like we place on our notary cites ( I am not a lawyer, blah blah)
How to start a fingerprinting business information for those looking to be an early mover in an emerging market.
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