Nov '23 (edited) in General
🔥 Looking for Self-Marketers 👀✨
Hi everyone! We want to learn from people who do their own marketing. Are you a solo professional? A freelancer? Maybe you’re a consultant? Perhaps you are a solo entrepreneur, or a startup team member?
If you do your own marketing, we want to hear what you have to say. We’re doing a quick survey, as part of a new customer experience project.
This short questionnaire takes less than 10 minutes of your time. Here’s the link to the survey.
I hope you’re interested in helping us learn more about you. Feel free to leave a comment here or send me a DM, if you have any questions. Thanks!! 👍🏻✨
1 comment
David Rovira
🔥 Looking for Self-Marketers 👀✨ (Free)
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