The MEGA YouTube Strategy (Hidden In Plain Sight)
The big players like Alex Hormozi tell us to give away as much as we can in our content, but somehow we hold back—maybe from fear no one will buy if we do? I'm sure there are many reasons we hold back.
Even when I've had YouTube videos do really well (because I gave away a lot) I've reverted back to holding back the next week, time and time again.
Until it FINALLY sank in during the Skool games.
I've realized I've wasted years trying to hold things back. I could have been 10x closer to my goals had I just given everything I had.
I won't make that mistake again, and now I've adopted a very simple strategy. The give away the farm strategy.
There are only 2 parts to this strategy.
  • Make videos that NO ONE ELSE ON EARTH can make
  • Give away every little detail and step (no gimmicks that force them to buy)
It's not easy, it does require deep research and execution within my niche to develop the skills no one else has. And the faith to share without being worried that I'll be taken care of.
But I've been given enough real proof that this is the way.
BY FAR, my best performing YouTube Video AND Skool Community growth secret is coming from this single YouTube Strategy.
Stephen G. Pope
The MEGA YouTube Strategy (Hidden In Plain Sight)
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