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Skool Has Changed My Life! 🙏
I joined Skool 2 years ago. And my life has changed completely! Why? Because of "Proximity." The biggest hack in life is surrounding yourself with people who are where you want to be. And Skool gives you the opportunity to connect with pretty much anyone you want, and it's so much easier than in any other platform out there. I made DOZENS of new amazing friends, became financially free at 21, did hundreds of group calls and helped thousands of people, and it's all Because of PEOPLE, Connections, and Communities I FOUND ON SKOOL. If you are reading this, know that you are super lucky, because we are all early and Skool is just getting started! And if you just keep putting one step in front of the other, your life will change too! Keep going! The future looks bright! 🔥 - Harut
New comment 10m ago
Skool Has Changed My Life! 🙏
In the comments below tag someone who helped you this week whether big, or small (share how they helped you) This is a really good way to show love to someone so others can see You can also go and leverage this in your community ;)
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FREE Video Sales Letter Script Creator for your About Page 🎁👇
I created this tool for my members and they found it so helpful that I want to share it with you: >>My Video Sales Letter Script Creator<< Creating a compelling video sales letter can be challenging, especially if you've never done it before. That's why I've developed this structured, repeatable process to help you craft solid scripts for your membership or paid community. You can also use this creator for other offers if you just tweak the prompt and specify what your offer is (for example "VIP day" instead of membership) I've created a detailed walkthrough video to guide you through using this tool effectively. Here's what you'll learn: - The key sections of a high-converting video sales letter - How to brainstorm ideas for each section - Tips for recording your thoughts and refining them - Using AI tools to enhance your script - Adapting the script for different stages of your business Whether you're just starting out or looking to improve your existing sales process, this creator will help you develop a persuasive, authentic script that resonates with your ideal clients. Check out the video and the script creator template below. Let's level up your video sales letters together! Got questions? Drop them in the comments 🤗
New comment 55m ago
FREE Video Sales Letter Script Creator for your About Page 🎁👇
Please be inspired!!
I haven’t been here for long… and my business was all 1:1 Health/lifestyle Coaching for busy moms… I only take 4 1:1 clients each month and I just felt like my mission was so much bigger… So, Fast forward to SKOOL!!! It’s not HUGE… but it’s huge for me!!! Blessings on blessings!!! So exciting!
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Please be inspired!!
Could Skool Benefit from having another level hierarchy in their courses?
Hello! New to Skool here and currently building my first community. I was wondering if anyone else feels constricted to the 2 level hierarchy in the courses, and would benefit form having 3. Currently it is: Course - Folders - Pages I think it would be better (or atleast have the option) to add another level: Course - Modules - Folders - Pages I feel like the way you have it set up to force you to build multiple communities if you have multiple product offerings. Does anyone else feel this way? Or are the courses I'm developing just to in depth for skool and I should modify the course?
New comment 1m ago
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