You don't owe anyone constant access to your free value/content
I'm years into being a community builder and content creator and one thing I knew I wanted to do on Skool was to have my spaces here free from:
  1. Lurkers who don't add value to communities
  2. People who benefited from constant free things but never stop to show gratitude, or appreciation.
The plan when I opened my "free" group is that it wouldn't be free to everyone. Only people who were new to my world, or paying customers who I knew were great assets to a community got a free space.
Everyone who requested to join who on paper looked like they were possible 1 or 2 above, were told they could join but had to pay.
Just a small token fee (under $100) and in return they also got access to one of my sales courses.
For those who know the value of being in my containers and spaces it was a no-brainer. And for those just joining as it was another "free" thing where they will take but never give it, was not.
Most people didn't pay and ignored the email. Quite a few people did pay though.
One person yesterday responded this to my message and not only paid the amount required, but also bought the upsell in the funnel.
:Hi Jade, thank you I have purchased my space and appreciate your frankness. Looking forward to getting to know you better in the group. Cheers:
I know I have ruffled some feathers, but I also know that those who don't demonstrate they believe in a fair energetic exchange are not my people.
I also know that successful entrepreneurs don't get there by trying to patchwork quilt together free tips. And I like to work with clients who get results as they have some skin in the game.
You wouldn't go to someones dinner parties for 3 years where you eat their food, drink their wine, and benefit from fabulous conversations and introductions, yet never take a bottle of wine or flowers, thank them for having you, or offer to return the favour.
I don't see the online space as different.
and I feel some people have lost their manners in the way that conduct themselves online. The self-entitlement to constant free stuff with no thanks to the creator is as my Great Aunt would say "very uncouth".
Some of the people who were declined had been in my previous free communities, accessed my free trainings and attended my free events for YEARS, yet had never paid to work with me, thanked me personally privately/publicly, or done anything to support my business/my community.
They are not the people I want in my Skool group as I believe true community is not about what the individual can get/gain, it's about coming together as a community where you all contribute in some shape or form.
My people are friendly, support others and believe in investing in their business and personal growth.
They also show gratitude when they have benefited from something.
This is what I love about Skool, we can create our Skool groups to be what we want and the gamification allows us to clearly see who is contributing, and who is not.
I'll be happy knowing my group is smaller than most, but that everyone inside is adding value to the community and appreciating their space inside. πŸ™Œ
Jade Jemma
You don't owe anyone constant access to your free value/content
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