May '23 (edited) in How I Use Skool
Why I Use 2 Skool Communities (1 Free, 1 Paid)
We made $50,000 last month using 2 Skool communities but...
Do YOU need 2 communities? Maybe not. Let's find out:
I just made a video going into depth on why we decided to use 2 communities, and why it makes sense for us from a profit perspective using our client acquisition method, however...
Every business is unique...
So you should ask yourself:
• Am I using appointment setters? If so, 2 communities might be best.
• Do I want to treat my prospects differently than my paying clients? If so, 2 communities might be best.
• Am I okay with mixing paying members and free members together? If so, 1 community may be fine for you.
Watch the vid below for more info to help you decide if 1 or 2 communities is best for you.
Ted ✌🏼
P.S. Want 1 on 1 help setting up your Skool community (at no charge)? Send me a DM with the word "SKOOL" & I'll set yours up with you for free so it's set up like mine.
Cool video, I think I'll use 2 communities!
Cool video, I think I'll use 1 community.
Cool video, but I'm still not sure if I should use 1 or 2 communities...
302 votes
Ted Carr
Why I Use 2 Skool Communities (1 Free, 1 Paid)
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