Hernan Vazquez
What Metrics I Pay Attention To As A 7-Figure Meta Ads Media Buyer...
What Metrics I Pay Attention To As A 7-Figure Meta Ads Media Buyer...
After running Meta ads for the past 8 years, and spending north of 70 million on the platform...
I've realized that some metrics really move the needle, and some don't matter as much.
What you focus on is key if you want to scale your ads and your funnels with paid advertising.
There are two types of metrics in the Meta ads dashboard:
Early Metrics and Lagging Metrics.
Early Metrics allow you to optimize your ads, when you launch them. And they can give you a "lay of the land" initially.
But Lagging Metrics allows you to see what's working, what's not and what's really bringing a positive ROI.
Many entrepreneurs get hung up on "Early Metrics" (because they also look cooler), but they forget the true purpose of social media advertising.
The true purpose of your ads is to turn a profit and multiply capital.
And when your Lagging Metrics start kicking in, your Early Metrics don't matter as much (or at all).
Your Lagging Metrics and Early Metrics will differ depending on the funnel that you're running.
For example, for high-ticket coaching (an industry we run a lot), here's the breakdown:
Early Metrics:
  1. Unique Outbound CTR (the only CTR that really matters).
  2. CPC
  3. CPL
  4. Cost per booked appointment.
Lagging Metrics:
  1. Cost to acquire a customer.
  2. Customer Lifetime value.
  3. ROAS.
For an acquisition SLO-type product/funnel, this is what we focus on:
Early Metrics:
  1. Unique Outbound CTR (the only CTR that really matters).
  2. CPC
  3. CPL
  4. Cost per Initiated Checkout.
Lagging Metrics:
  1. Cost to acquire a customer.
  2. Average Order Value.
  3. ROAS.
Once your Lagging Metrics kick in (they take longer, that's why they're called "lagging"), then you can safely and completely disregard your Early Metrics...
And that's why I say that Cost Per Lead or Cost Per Click or CPMs don't matter.
Focus on what matters (making money with your ads).
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.
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