Weekly Conversation Starters
saw your post and just thought I would create this one for visibility.
I'm still a newbie at Skool, but wanted to share something that is working well for group engagement. There is a balance you have to achieve between driving engagement through your own posts, and leaving space for members to post. I don't want the forum to be full of me or my team posting, as then members feel like they are just there to listen.
What I have done is created a predictable pattern for mod post - what I call "Weekly Conversation Starter". Every week on Monday, someone on my team poses a question to the group with follow ups "if yes ... if no ..." this conversation starter can be following up on other conversations going on in the group, the calls we have, or a completely new topic. We even pepper in some personal questions to try and get the networking side going. These conversation starters should be thought provoking - thus driving conversation!
What this does - it provides structure, and if you tell members "try to reply to the conversation starter at some point every week" it gives them some direction. Sometimes new members need some direction to get their feet wet.
Further - since it is at the same time every week, it is expected. So the members have that "space" to post throughout the week, instead of waiting on the sidelines wondering when mods will post.
Last - I have someone on my team do the post, this allows me to be the participant instead of the poster. As I am making other posts, it helps mix things up.
I'm still just getting started - but using the 'weekly conversation starter' played out exactly as I hoped it would. Provide structure, drive engagement, stay out of the members' way to drive community. Thought I would share!
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Jared Egge
Weekly Conversation Starters
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