Vanessa's latest video is insightful!
Check out Vanessa's journey into the Scale Trap – it's seriously eye-opening! 🌟 The big lesson? Keep enjoying the journey, but if things start feeling dull, take a breather and add some excitement back in! πŸŽ‰
A must-watch for sure - loads of insights!
She also talks about Sam quite a lot in this video and her experience running the Mastermind on Skool including why she decided to close it down and refund all her clients within a month... It reminds me of Sam's story with, where he streamlined things and launched Skool, which seemed to be more of a passion project for him. So, for Vanessa, the break worked wonders, but for others, maybe partnering with a Business Strategist could be the game-changer they need and how to pivot into something else smoothly!
Akassh Ashok Gupta
Vanessa's latest video is insightful!
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