I'm putting together a MS Excel group here in Skool. Mostly it's for Excel users to discuss tips, tricks and traps, but I also want to offer lessons, templates, and other perks. Rather than making loads of my own Excel videos, I'm using some of the ka-jillions of Excel videos available out there, and giving credit.
Is this how it's done in some cases? I'm not making any claims that they're my videos - all the credits are still in there. The only thing I'm creating is the order they're presented, the supporting text, and the curation.
I started it because there are only a handful of Excel forums. I only know of one for sure but I assume there are others. Otherwise, the resources available are behind a paywall and it can be hard to get unique, oddball questions answered. Skool seems the perfect platform to fill that need.
If you want to check it out, it's at Excel Express. I'd love any feedback on how to improve it.