Aug '23 (edited) in Product Feedback
Organize notifications, saving posts, Respond to comment, make commend read?
I have some suggestions: I get a lot of notifications from various groups that I’m in, and it does become quite overwhelming.
  1. It might be fun to have a setting where you can organize notifications by group instead of just having them split by notifications and messages. This way I can tackle and prioritize where I want to spend my time I know you can see what group the notification came from, but having a way to have a segmented where I can click into a group and see only those notifications that would be r really helpful for me.
  2. Another component that I think could be really helpful is if I have a notification about a comment and I respond to that comment on the platform, the comment is then automatically marked as read in my notifications, because I clearly read it and responded to the post or comment containing it. Now I have to respond to a comment and then go and mark it as read in my notifications which is just extra steps because I have already responded to it.
  3. being able to save posts to a saved post section on my profile or by group would be really valuable. I constantly come across valuable posts that I want to refer back to you for information or some thing and right now I’m taking that URL and adding it to my notes. It would be nice to be able to save it somewhere on school so I can refer back to all my saved posts. This could also be gamified as well. If someone is in a group that gets a lot of saved posts, they could go up and rank or something. Or maybe they can get “most valuable poster” award or something.
Anyway just some ideas to chew on!
Thanks for checking it out!
Paul Masters
Organize notifications, saving posts, Respond to comment, make commend read?
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