Notes On Students
I mentioned this during the last open office hours call, but as I've continued to research alternate options the more clear this is a huge opportunity for this platform.
There really should be an option for admins/teachers to have notes for each student/member which can be referenced by all the admins/teachers.
Polling most teachers and online course instructors its clear they are mostly using google docs to fill this need.
From what I've found available, building a custom workflow in Notion seems to offer the best options, if you know of alternate options please feel free to share! Still, this seems like an extremely low hanging fruit for Skool to be a must have for instructors and educators. Bringing these notes into this service will dramatically improve its functionality for the limited effort of effectively just building an alternate message board interface.
Functionally all I really am looking for is the ability to add searchable timestamped notes to a log file for each student, accessible by admins by clicking on the students profile and from an overview of the roster. Potentially allowing the attachment of files would be a terrific upgrade to this feature as well.
Thank you so much for building this service! I look forward to migrating my community to this platform in the coming weeks, can't wait to see what growth this allows!
Lucio Guido
Notes On Students
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