I made $1850 as a 17 y/o with skool
A couple of months ago I was sitting in my living room on the dinner table with my parents.
I just told them I was going to quit school, and do business instead.
I just quit dropshipping, fiverr, and print on demand (yes I was doing them all at the same time) because it didn't make me a lot of money, and I HATED doing it.
I was just starting out with YouTube for around a month, and I got around 5 views on an average video.
When I told them, my dad just sat there in silence, thinking about what the future of his son would look like without a degree now.
My mom bursted out into tears.
It felt like 1000 knives stabbed into my heart at the same time
If you've ever made your mom cry because of a DECISION you made, you know how painful this is.
Then I discovered something called "Skool.com"
I made posts in skool communities about the things I learned, and people started reaching out to me asking me for help.
So I started coaching around 60 people for free, just because I loved doing it.
Then at 1 point I thought to myself: "Why am I not monetizing this?"
That day I made my first $50 sale.
A couple hours late I had another call with somebody, and I closed him for $50 as well.
That day I couldn't stop smiling.
$100 in one day??!! Me??!!
From that day I started to coach more and more people about what I learned, and how to coach.
My YouTube is driving traffic to my community, and people WANT to buy my service now
This month I made $1.1k already from only two people
I helped my 16 y/o friends quit school and make $2000 by using skool.
I even have a 16 y/o friend who made around $8.6k last month all by using skool.
My mom stopped worrying about my future as much as she used to because I'm making a lot of money for a 17 year old.
I also built my own community with over 170 people in there.
The reason I tell you this is because I want to inspire you, and thank skool at the same time.
I'm not special, nor am I better or smarter than you
I just used skool the right way, and you can too.
Thank you for reading. If you wanna learn more about how I managed to do this, just tell me and I'll make a post how I made $1.1k these 10 days.
Skool genuinely changed my life, and it can change yours too.
Luca van Straalen
I made $1850 as a 17 y/o with skool
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