I hit 500 members in 11 days 🤯
I launched my Skool community 11 days ago and it's been a CRAZY ride 🙌
I'm also on on track to hit £10,000 in revenue in my first month of going SOLO (prior to this I had a Co-Founder) 🤑
How did I do this? 🤔
I built a SOLID freebie where I gave a TON of value and marketed it on my LinkedIn (where I do have 26k followers) 🔥
By the end of January, I'm going to create a video breakdown of my EXACT funnel which has helped me grow SO fast... 🚀
I'll post it here as soon as it's done 🔥
Farhoon Asim
I hit 500 members in 11 days 🤯
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