19d ago (edited) in Strategy
How can your milkshake can bring all the boys to the yard?
Clients often ask me various questions about their business growth journeys and it doesn’t matter what the question is: it always comes down to one element… CONSISTENCY.
If you’re having a hard time, feel like you’re going around in circles and don’t know how to get to where you want to be you need to do this:
1. RELEASE those expectations. They’re not helping you, they’re holding you back and they SUCK.
2. TUNE IN to your self and intuition. Stop for a minute and give yourself the time and space to feel in to what your intuition/gut is telling you to do.
3. Take ALIGNED ACTIONS. By stopping to feel in you’ll then know what to do and it's easier to stay the course!!
Being in FLOW doesn't mean changing lanes like a lunatic until you miss a turn off and don’t understand why you’re now running 10 minutes late or have to go back because you left the iron on.
Trying something for a mere 2 weeks or a month and wondering why you're not where you want to be?
It's like meditating once and declaring you can't do it. Or starting a new hobby, then ditching it because you're not an overnight sensation!
Success and achievements take time and most importantly consistency in your aligned actions. Failure is what drives success.
There are always highs and lows and the one thing that gets you to where you want to be is CONSISTENCY. Show up for yourself, your business and your clients.
If you want to increase your intuition, bank balance, lose weight, gain weight, learn a new skill etc… you need to take consistent action every single day.
When you KNOW you're on the right track and you're CONSISTENT with those aligned actions, you don’t experience impatience because you’re making progress and trusting it'll all work out.
So, be CONSISTENT, take one step at a time and trust your intuition/ gut instinct.
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
My milkshake is off...
I don't like milk... I'm dairy free
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9 votes
Lexy Moore
How can your milkshake can bring all the boys to the yard?
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