Feb '23 (edited) in How I Use Skool
How I grew a free community to 250 members + 80% engagement.
Like all things, growing a Skool community and getting engagement is EASY when you know what to do.
In this post you'll learn the 3 secrets to growing a free & potentially highly profitable Skool community.
Here's how I grew my free Skool community to 250 members with an 80% activity score over the last 7 days.
(For context, I have a $47/m membership with 280 members, but I recently just launched a free Skool community so I can create a pool of prospects to nurture for eventual sales down the road.)
  • Secret 1: Make the group public.
I used to think a private group was the move, but I was wrong. Private only makes sense if your community required paid access.
When your group is public, it gives people the chance to tour the community and get a feel for it - and if you're group look good, they'll join.
  • Secret 2: Invite people.
I used the bulk .CSV invite feature, but it didn't work as well as I thought it would.
I sent an email to 10,000+ people with it, but not many joined from it...
The real magic was inviting people in my FB group by telling them I was closing the FB group (see attached image) AND when I told my FB group (& my Instagram following) they could access my new contentpreneurship course inside the Skool group (see attached image).
So now I'm going to email my 10k+ list and invite them using the same angle.
  • Secret 3: Set your courses to unlock after level 1 & 2.
As you can see in the image below, I locked everything except for 1 course.
This way, if someone was visiting the public group, they could at least watch my Step 1 and get inspired & learn how to unlock the rest of the material.
But here's the real secret for getting super high engagement:
Set all your good course material to unlock after level 2, and tell your people that in order get to level 2, they need to introduce themselves, and to get to level 3 and above, they should comment underneath with their key takeaways and insight.
These instructions will get a lot of people posting and keep engagement high.
Also, set your premium workshops to unlock after levels 3, 4, and 5 to keep people hungry for the next level up.
Lastly, post AT LEAST 1x per week offering your free community members something of value if they just comment <ENTER WORD HERE> below, then when they comment, DM them the value bomb (like a video training or PDF or something helpful)
I know this will help you if you implement it.
If you'd like me to personally set up your Skool group from scratch with you on Zoom, I'd be happy to help you completely free of charge - just shoot me a DM with the word "SKOOL" and tell me what you're wanting to accomplish & I'll see if I can help.
P.S. If you found this post helpful, give it a thumbs up ⬆️ 👍 I'm tryna visit Skool HQ soon! Thank you 🙏
Ted Carr
How I grew a free community to 250 members + 80% engagement.
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