Nov '23 (edited) in Feature Request
Free Community + Paid Community Combined
Getting my paid customers to come into my free community and post valuable content that would most likely push my free community to paid would be AMAZING.
As of right now, it looks like the only solution is to have 2 separate groups which means I would need to work with a bunch of free people and convince them myself because why would my paid customers come to the free or am I missing something?
Imagine for a second you have your free content and the free community could see locked blurb posts that they can't access unless they upgrade. This would set your membership on FIRE!
I have seen the work arounds, but like I said, the more that you can keep your loyal paid customers creating posts etc in front of people that don't really know you yet the better. This would be branding on steroids.
Also, imagine having an option under each one of your product videos where they can have a mini community. This would help you really pump up each video and make them better to help more of your customers. I saw someone post that that's what "pinned to module" is for. But wouldn't my free community have access to that?
I am not complaining.. I just feel like this would be some obvious features to have and now I'm stuck wondering how I should build this out because I do not want to split up Communities.
I know that I can have my zoom meetings locked under a product and that's cool.. but that seems tobe it? Am I missing something? Thanks!
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Bob Beckett
Free Community + Paid Community Combined
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