Audio Player?
It's my understanding that Skool does not currently support audio. If so, are there any plans to add audio player for content delivery? 🎡
Three reasons:
  1. Audio books are best consumed via a player that restarts where the listener left off and automatically goes to the next chapter. (Imagine driving in the car and how annoying/distracting/unappealing it is to be listening to a video and then have to push play every time you want to start a chapter - ugh.)
  2. Mini audio lessons. We have a tremendous amount of content designed to be "on-the-go." Short, high-value audios that our clients LOVE. Audios imply ease, effortlessness, click to listen anywhere. Most people do not think, "let me turn on a video to listen", so video is a mental block to our clients engaging with this content style.
  3. Clients are asking us for audio versions of our videos - easier to listen to while on the road. Smaller file sizes. So, we are inclined to strip audio, and offer it up.
Having the option to provide content via audio increases our engagement and has our clients feel like we are meeting their needs. Video delivery has very real limitations.
Hope you are considering it. :) Thank you in advance. πŸ™
Kristen Ferry
Audio Player?
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