Jun '23 (edited) in How I Use Skool
A Simple $50,000/Month Skool Flow For Acquiring LT MRR + HT Clients
I used to only sell high ticket (HT) using the classic Ad --> Webinar --> Call method.
I was making $50,000 - $100,000/month, but I was stressed AF because of the huge fluctuations and never ending issues with ads.
Then my ad account got shut down (yay!) so I tried an experiment and turned it into a low ticket, monthly recurring revenue (LT MRR) offer and blasted it to my email list which I had grown from the ads.
With my new LT MRR offer, I was making A LOT less per month ($10,000/month) but I was actually happier because it was consistent.
Gone were the days of feeling like every sale I made could be my last... with hundreds of people paying me monthly, I felt financially secure for the first time in my life.
And then I discovered Skool...
With Skool I learned how to get the best of both the LT MRR + the HT worlds...
Now I'm making LT MRR + HT sales daily, and I'm bringing in $50,000+/month with no ads using a very simple flow that ANYONE can replicate if they wish.
I've outlined everything you need to know in the video below.
Hope this helps,
Ted ❤️
If you want 1 on 1 help (at no charge) setting up your Skool community just like I've done, send me a DM here with the word "SKOOL" & I'll set yours up with you for free so it's fully optimized & set up just like mine.
I've already helped 70+ people on Skool set up their communities, and I'd love to help set up yours, too!
The catch? You just gotta use my affiliate link.
Ted Carr
A Simple $50,000/Month Skool Flow For Acquiring LT MRR + HT Clients
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