✨💕✨When the work is doing it’s magic and you know your client is right where they need to be! ✨💕✨
Shelly, a member of our group here on Skool, showed up fully from our first meeting and held nothing back as we worked together. To say this woman has been through A LOT is an understatement but she was willing to lay it out all out and allow so much transformation to come through.
Together, we made the familiar unfamiliar, and the unfamiliar familiar. She agreed to take action that aligned with her goals and desires so that she wouldn’t create further pain by resisting her own expansion—and she followed through.
She’s an amazing life coach and soon to be Author, and I know her stories are going to move masses. I’m so honored to have had the privilege of doing this deep and meaningful work with you, Shelly! ✨🙏🏻✨.
If you’re curious about how this kind of work can improve and optimize your life specifically, please hop on a complimentary insight call with me. No strings, just aha moments! Gamechangingconversation.com
Theresa Lear Levine
✨💕✨When the work is doing it’s magic and you know your client is right where they need to be! ✨💕✨
Becoming More Me
Empowering Busy-Minded Entrepreneurs to grow, integrate & create abundant & pleasurable relationships, business, & health w/o Anxiety & overwhelm.
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