WEEK THREE of the FREE 8-Week Coaching Program Comments, Questions and Takeaways
This week, we’re flipping the switch on scarcity and lack as we explore what happens when we nurture our awareness and it begins to grow!
This is literally how I've grown my 6 fig. coaching biz without undue stress or overwhelm! (and, in my past, I've built 6 fig businesses WITH undue stress and overwhelm, too, so I can really appreciate the difference this time around!) ;)
We’re getting into some EFT Tapping together this week, too!
Watch the Week Three video HERE.
After you've watched the Week 3 Video, please share:
  1. Where are you letting Scarcity and Lack creep in and Run the Show?
  1. Where does the switch need to be flipped in your current narratives so that you can feel more abundant and develop a knowing that what you most desire is available to you?
  1. Go over to The Private Sessions resource in the classroom and choose a session to do. There are currently more than 55 to choose from! Tell me the title of the video you watched and tapped along with and what your number was at the beginning and end as well as all of the "AHA" moments you had as you worked through the tapping round (aka. new perspectives, feelings that came up or shifted, differences from beginning to end, etc.). Each video in the private sessions resource gives detailed instructions.
Have fun flipping the switch and discovering new things about yourself this week!
Can't wait to hear your answers and support you through this!
PS. If you know a woman who would benefit from this group and coaching, please send her the link below to invite her to join our group! We are a new a growing community and it's a beautiful time to be part of it!
I'm excited to celebrate 100 Members THIS week and I thank you for being my founding members!
Theresa Lear Levine
WEEK THREE of the FREE 8-Week Coaching Program Comments, Questions and Takeaways
Becoming More Me
Empowering Busy-Minded Entrepreneurs to grow, integrate & create abundant & pleasurable relationships, business, & health w/o Anxiety & overwhelm.
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