WEEK EIGHT of the FREE 8-Week Coaching Program Comments, Questions and Takeaways
This week we're talking about why it's so hard to slow down and how to overcome that since it's so important to our nervous system and ultimately, the manifestation of our intentions and goals into physical reality.
Watch the training HERE.
🛍We're also talking about practical planning and book release bonuses! Mark your calendar for 11/6 for the digital release at the crazy price of 99 cents for that day only!🤑
➡️Furthermore, if you've been interested in working with me in a 1:1 or Group Setting, there's a big announcement coming this weekend! I've always said that the community will be the first to know about these opportunities so just be on the lookout. Your Early Bird chance is COMING!
✨Ok....to the discussion! After watching the week 8 video, I'd love to hear your answers/perspectives on the following:
  1. What feelings come up when you think about slowing down or actual find yourself in a place/circumstance/situation of slowness?
2. What do you believe it would it take for you to truly be able to slow down and release pain, stress, and anxiety so you can procure the ultimate environment for creation and manifestation in your life?
3. What things are just "filler" on your to-do list? What things are purposeful and transformative? How can you do more of the latter and raise your consciousness around the former?
✨FINALLY, Don't miss the BONUS week 9 that we're adding on for Next week! Enjoy! Thanks for being here! I so appreciate all of the vulnerable things you're sharing and the way you are all stepping up to this work and our discussions of the coaching videos so bravely! Keep up the amazing work and, if you're new, just jump in. No judgment here! You're perfectly aligned and right on time!✨
Theresa Lear Levine
WEEK EIGHT of the FREE 8-Week Coaching Program Comments, Questions and Takeaways
Becoming More Me
Empowering Busy-Minded Entrepreneurs to grow, integrate & create abundant & pleasurable relationships, business, & health w/o Anxiety & overwhelm.
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