Hypnosis for Headaches?
@tashablank granted me permission to share this beautiful testimony in regards to some hypnotherapy we recently completed to address her recurring headaches. ✨My aim is always to understand my clients and meet them where they are as best as I am capable, so when Tasha mentioned how “seen” the audio that I created for her made her feel, I had tears in my eyes and a smile on my face! Plus, 3x in a row, girl!? 😳It must be good! 😂 Who am I kidding?? I do the same thing with a good hypnosis track! 😉 I’m so grateful to be able to share this because the way that her hypnosis audio made her feel and began transforming things for her is the gold standard for me as a therapist. Nothing makes me happier than when “the work” is working and my clients are “working it”. Thank you 🙏🏻 for allowing others to have this little window into what “this work” can be like, Tasha! ✨💕✨Deeply appreciating you, too! 😊
Theresa Lear Levine
Hypnosis for Headaches?
Becoming More Me
Empowering Busy-Minded Entrepreneurs to grow, integrate & create abundant & pleasurable relationships, business, & health w/o Anxiety & overwhelm.
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