My response to: Week3: Flipping the Switch on Scarcity
Hi @Theresa Lear Levine here are my responses/notes to week 3, not even up to the homework segment yet haha!!:
Overall, this video really resonated with me. I have set myself quite a significant challenge this month (October), which is to reclaim a year of my life, a day. So by the end of the month I have at least taken a significant glimpse into each year of my life, short by just a few. I am acknowledging the trauma, but also the narrative I want my own life to be. I am going back to reclaim my inner child. Yesterday, I returned to being born. Today I was dealing with my first 12 months. I used meditation to find my inner child. I found her, a day old. She was not in a good way (I won’t mention how graphically sad it was as it may not be the appropriate forum in which to do this), but she was revived by me and I have HER, unconditionally from this point on she will be getting everything she so desperately needed.. from me.
This trauma challenge is being solely guided by me. It came as quite an impulsive thought in my mind, but I feel the work and community I’m engaging with here has something significantly to do with the fact that, aged 34, I feel I can all of a sudden do this after a decade of being very poorly. It is absolutely mind blowing!!!! It will change my ENTIRE life. I mean. Today I received a job offer………that in itself. I say no more 🙏🥰❤️🐹
From listening to the week three video:
  • I first saw “we’re flipping the switch”, and I was SO onboard already. As I have been bogged down in sorting my income streams out from both self employed and casual employed employment. I essentially put to my managers I have recently realised I need to flip the entirety of what I’m doing and go onto one main permanent contract. This is now in motion :) I am learning to ask for what I want and need.
  • I had to think about “flipping the switch on scarcity” and what this might mean. I have a “poverty mindset”, believing I have nothing financially. I felt it so useful to draw the parallels between “a poverty mindset” and “a lack mindset”, both being debilitating, and causing such negativity, pain, and suffering. For me the “poverty mindset” is focused on money only. To have “a lack mindset”, this seems to penetrate everywhere and anywhere, and seems very, very difficult to challenge (apologies if I’m wrong).
  • nurturing awareness - god, even just today. The importance of this has been made so clear to me. It is going to get me through starting to properly deal with significant trauma and reclaim my life. Write my narrative to be what I want. I wanted to be born into the hands of angels - so this is what I am getting. :)
  • I seem to have accelerated into this month really ready to just go. I have from nowhere self devised a trauma programme. I know EFT absolutely has a part to play in this.
  • Uplevellers, deepeners, seeds of consciousness: all relatable to me right now but perhaps in a slightly different way to how they are presenting here in this video. So I am trying to “plant” seeds of consciousness back into my inner child, my body, whilst going deep (deepeners), to then climb back up again (uplevellers), and this is all internally, whereas I know these shifts are occurring in our external lives too… I absolutely LOVE your idea of the “seed” as the “pivot”….. to “becoming more me”. That these “seeds” will take as long as they need to, to bring you into your own. The timing will be right.
  • I LOVE that everything we need is already inside of us. It is just so warm and safe to know this. The work to access it then cannot be as burdensome as the consequences of not accessing it.
  • LOVE the idea of using EFT and hypno to “weave”yourself into the next level. Weaving is such a good word…. I resonate with this so much. I have many a time got so knotted up, other times, not once have I weaved… because of avoidance. But our life is literally about weaving from and in one thing to the next.
  • The Importance of slowing down. My heart goes out to anyone struggling with this - it is debilitating. I only found rest with ADHD medication this year. It is concerning how I would have ended up if not being able to experience rest for the first time. It is not taught in schools, the space between “A” to “B” is treated like it doesn’t exist and it is a tragedy on so many levels. 🙏
  • True rest resulting in creation says it all………….to not be “allowed” to work in bed when bed is your ‘safe space’ for example, and that ultimately resulting in less creation, is doing a disservice to many. It is, as mentioned, a place we can work out how to respond best, so contribute more positively to an already struggling society as a collective consciousness.
  • “Flipping the switch” can be such a fear point. It is such a vulnerable place and I feel if someone is abusive in your life, such points can be a magnet to them, so in doing the work to identify these points of flip, it may feel harder to resolve them yet you can also use them to flip the claws of the abuser out and far away. I feel there is all the strength you need in these points, along with them being incredibly vulnerable and pure. The fear can lead to avoidance that gets out of control; support is vital.
  • I think the “white space” you talk about is absolutely essential to us reaching the tip of the iceberg of what is authenticity and who is the authentic me? The “white space” we can so often rob ourselves of, is maybe because it is painful to do a good look at ourselves. I know I have felt pain in doing this.
  • Can’t wait to choose an emotional freedom video to watch again and report back!
  • Just to note: I listened to this video with close captioned and x2 speed - ths really helps my dyslexia!
Love Steph and Clarendon the hamster 🐹❤️
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Steph Jones
My response to: Week3: Flipping the Switch on Scarcity
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